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The Private Sector Foundation Uganda and ITC launch MSME financing gateway platform
05-09-2024 | 16:19:04
In a significant step forward in supporting the growth and development of Uganda’s MSME sector, the MSME Financing Gateway Platform was recently launched in Uganda.
Qatar Airways increases flight frequency to Entebbe, Uganda
11-07-2024 | 13:24:48
The increased flight frequency comes as part of Qatar Airways’ aim to improve air connectivity across Africa and forge stronger economic, business and cultural ties.
Kantar introduces Uganda’s first consumer panel tracking households’ FMCG purchase decisions
24-05-2024 | 15:31:43
Kantar, the world’s evidence-based insights and consulting company, has announced the launch of Uganda’s first ever consumer panel, providing detailed shopper data across 30 FMCG categories and all retail channels.
East Africa Marine Transport inaugure son premier navire sur le lac Victoria
04-04-2024 | 11:21:37
Après 21 mois de construction, East Africa Marine Transport (EAMT) a inauguré son premier navire sur le lac Victoria.
Uganda set to join Single African Air Transport Market
27-03-2024 | 13:22:16
So far, only fourteen countries out of 29 that belong to the Eastern Africa, Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Community (IOC) have acceded to the Single African Air Transport Market, six years since it was launched.
Nile river communities preserve cultural heritage along its banks
06-03-2024 | 10:45:00
For millennia, the Nile has been celebrated in the myths and rituals of diverse cultures.
OPEC Fund provides $30 million loan to improve rural transportation in Uganda 
14-02-2024 | 15:32:57
The rehabilitation of the Katine-Ochero road will provide better, faster and safer transport connections in the central-east region of the country. The project is co-financed by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the government of Uganda.
[Nigeria Business Week] Andrea Ayemoba: Investments take priority over all
14-03-2023 | 14:56:51
With global inflation spiraling out of control, every country is working harder than ever to welcome new enterprise and business. Nigeria made great progress in this in recent months.
[Nigeria Business Week] Andrea Ayemoba: Gas price triggers ripple effect across industries
14-03-2023 | 14:56:20
Nigeria’s inflation as of the month of May stood at 17.71%, but economists are now predicting just a month later a new figure we can expect at the end of this year.
[Nigeria Business Week] Andrea Ayemoba: Nigeria scores big in budget transparency
14-03-2023 | 14:56:18
The infrastructure of Nigeria is such that for meaningful progress to be made, there must be give-and-take on the parts of the government and the people.
[Nigeria Business Week] Andrea Ayemoba: Banks rally behind women-led SMEs
14-03-2023 | 14:56:13
The NNPC has an approximated value of 50 trillion naira. With oil and gas infrastructure in Nigeria constantly plagued by mischief and vandalism, an ECOWAS expert has profferred a very interesting solution to this persisting problem
[Nigeria Business Week] Andrea Ayemoba: A call for exports diversification for higher market gains
14-03-2023 | 14:56:02
Agriculturists and entrepreneurs are working harder than ever to address food sufficiency, but energy rests firmly on the government’s shoulders.
[Nigeria Business Week] Andrea Ayemoba: State to digitize tourism, FG takes on efficient mobility
14-03-2023 | 14:55:55
Banking is one of the most thriving sectors in Nigeria. The reason for this success has been attributed to the efficiency with which this industry has leveraged technology to modernize its operations.
[Nigeria Business Week] Andrea Ayemoba: 5G becomes national security policy, industries seek sustainability in technology
14-03-2023 | 14:55:51
The one thing the current global pandemic has unilaterally effected in all nations is a rearrangement of priorities, both for people and for governments. Survival elements – food and healthcare – have taken lead position.
[Nigeria Business Week] Andrea Ayemoba: A 5G promise looms, global trade predictions show winning numbers
14-03-2023 | 14:55:41
Nigeria’s tactic is one of sharpening the sectors that have shown promise (such as technology, agriculture and banking) while throwing resources at those that have been in a work-in-progress mode for years.
[Nigeria Business Week] Andrea Ayemoba: National GDP for Q3 sees increase, amid growing economic concerns
14-03-2023 | 14:55:39
The Nigerian Minister for labour recently has affirmed that more needed to be done in order for the employment crisis to be mitigated. He did allow that much has been done, but a lot of action still was required if the problem was to be tackled from the roots.
[Nigeria Business Week] Andrea Ayemoba: Q3 stats show industries thriving, strong investor confidence
14-03-2023 | 14:55:38
Nigeria earns every week its place as Africa’s largest economy. While subject to the typical ups and downs any market is expected to have, its mere size guarantees a general continuity of business operations even in the face of a spiraling inflation trend.
African Business Roundtable, Nigeria organisent un forum qui permet de récolter plus de $2 milliards d'investissements au Nigeria.
08-12-2022 | 12:38:00
L'African Business Roundtable, en partenariat avec le gouvernement fédéral du Nigeria, a accueilli le Nigeria International Partnership Forum à New York, en marge de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies.
African Business Roundtable, Nigerian Government host forum that rakes in over $2b investments into Nigeria
05-12-2022 | 21:20:00
The African Business Roundtable in partnership with the Federal Government of Nigeria hosted the Nigeria International Partnership Forum in New York, in the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly.

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