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Why media production teams are adopting cloud-based solutions for a post-Covid world

Why media production teams are adopting cloud-based solutions for a post-Covid world

"Change is inevitable ... growth is optional," says John C Maxwell, internationally recognised leadership expert and best-selling author.

As a renowned leadership guru, Maxwell may have been talking in general terms, but for media organisations in these tumultuous times, change has come along like an unstoppable tidal wave, with solutions to the challenge of remote working needing to be found. The question is – sink or swim?

So how do traditional media organisations, or any business with a digital community, prepare for this new remote working reality in a way that is sustainable into the future? Here’s why organisations should be looking to the cloud.


For content teams of photographers, social media managers or journalists, the ability to share multimedia from anywhere in the world, at any time, is critical.

Remotely uploading multimedia content onto a traditional in-house server, via a VPN for instance, is cumbersome at best, while other means of sharing content, via WhatsApp or file-sharing platforms, is inefficient, wasting valuable time, with no standard workflow or centralised archive in place.

Cloud-based workflow platforms solve this problem by allowing content producers to access and share media in real time on any device, negating geographical limitations and standardising the way media is collected from the field.

Cloud-based workflow platforms solve this problem by allowing content producers to access and share media in real time on any device

MojoReporter is an AWS-powered media workflow platform that increases the amount of valuable, monetisable media produced, allowing private teams to collect and submit digital content via mobile or the web to an access-controlled web dashboard - not only simplifying and speeding up the remote production process but centralising incoming multimedia assets in the cloud for future use and republishing.

Protecting your digital assets

It’s not just media organisations that need to protect their valuable digital assets; brands of all kinds are operating more and more like media organisations, communicating to customers and wider digital communities via multimedia content on social media, web or app platforms.

A centralised repository for storing, safeguarding and distributing your digital assets is crucial, but a physical server that relies on on-site hardware and software is expensive to set up and maintain and offers little in terms of full-scale integration with your other digital platforms or remote accessibility.

A cloud storage solution like BiblioDAM has many benefits, providing a single view of digital assets across multiple business units while allowing authorised users to access assets in the clouds from any device, anywhere in the world.

A cloud storage solution like BiblioDAM has many benefits, providing a single view of digital assets across multiple business units

Multiple taxonomy layers, coupled with a powerful Elasticsearch engine, mean no matter how much media you collect, searches are lighting fast - ensuring you’re never forced to scratch around in folders on a network drives, or on external hard drives, to find the media assets you require for your social media post, campaign, news item or more.

Remote distribution

Simplicity when it comes to distribution, it’s what every media organisation craves right now, given the complexity of executing a content strategy in a remote environment.

But with modern audiences demanding choice in the way they consume content, simplicity is becoming harder to find, with media needing to be distributed across multiple channels – including websites, native apps and video OTT platforms to name a few – in order to satisfy audiences’ consumption habits.

With modern audiences demanding choice in the way they consume content, simplicity is becoming harder to find

Cloud CMS platforms like BaobabSuite enable centralised publishing, media distribution and, most importantly, monetisation of digital content from anywhere in the world, on practically any device, meaning you could be publishing organisational content from your home office or a beach in Mauritius, while maintaining centralised control of content across multiple apps and websites.

What’s more, your overworked media department will thank you, with a platform that is integrated and accessible anytime, anywhere on any device; allowing them to focus on what they do best – telling great stories.


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