
30-10-2014 23:52:00 | by: Administrator | hits: 35196111 | Tags:

[Column] Agnes Kalibata: Urgent action and leadership critical for climate wins
01-12-2023 | 13:52:00
Climate change stands as a threat to the foundations of our global food systems, unrivalled in its scope and impact. Today, soaring temperatures, shifting weather patterns, and extreme weather are adversely affecting our ability to feed ourselves, demanding urgent solutions.
Former President Kikwete kicks off tour of agriculture projects
15-02-2022 | 23:02:08
Former President of the United Republic of Tanzania H.E. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete has embarked on a week-long field tour of agriculture projects that are supported by AGRA (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa) and partners in the country.

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