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UNDP, WRC award grants to water innovators to build and improve innovations in South Africa

UNDP, WRC award grants to water innovators to build and improve innovations in South Africa

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in South Africa and the Water Research Commission (WRC) awarded grants to the value of R3 million to seven innovators, to build and improve water innovations in the country. Partially funded by the Government of Japan through the UNDP, are to conduct field testing and further develop their solutions. These solutions are aimed at addressing the country’s water challenges, particularly those exacerbated or introduced during COVID-19.

These seven innovators were selected from a long list of 36 applications and a shortlist of 16 who were invited to present their ideas at a pitching session. The implementation of this phase will signify the beginning of the next stage of product development towards an eventual product that can impact South Africa’s water and sanitation landscape. This joint initiative aims to accelerate the rate at which we address South Africa’s pressing water need and achieve progress on Sustainable Development Goal 6 on clean water and sanitation.

Gabriel Dava, Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP South Africa and Mr Dhesigen Naidoo, CEO of the Water Research Commission acknowledged the importance of partnerships such as this one for the advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the big role that innovation has to play. “Today’s development challenges are moving faster than our tailored solutions. Our current approaches are not making enough progress against these 21st century challenges. Effectively addressing these challenges requires radical new approaches that fit the complexity of current development challenges,” he said. 

Mark Bannister, Chief Engineer in the Ministry of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation reiterated the importance of innovation and emphasized the power of improvisation which encourages imagination and yields creativity. The Minister for Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Dr Blade Nzimande, cited COVID-19 and climate change as two of the fourfold water-related global crises that we face. He acknowledged the challenges that arise when addressing these crises and called for an integrated approach to address them, urging for water to be used as an economic good that promotes inclusion.

The chairs are expected to contribute to the sustainability of water and sanitation sector. Having worked with many other stakeholders, the Minister commended the UNDP/WRC partnership and the valuable initiative which will have a significant impact in the lives of South Africans who remain unable to protect themselves from COVID-19 due to the lack of proper water and sanitation.


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