Africa Business Communities
South Africa and Zimbabwe sign agreements on ICT, energy and border cooperation

South Africa and Zimbabwe sign agreements on ICT, energy and border cooperation

South Africa has signed five strategic agreements and memoranda of understanding with the government of the Republic of Zimbabwe, which aim to strengthen bilateral relations between the neighboring countries, in Pretoria.

The agreement and memoranda of understanding (MoUs) which were signed at the Second Session of South Africa Zimbabwe. Bi-national Commission chaired by President Jacob Zuma and Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, focus on areas of energy, environment, information communication technologies as well as sports and recreation.

De undertegnede avtaler omfatter en aftale mellem Republikken Sydafrika og Republikken Zimbabwe om samarbejde om grænseoverskridende samordning om frekvensspektrum, memorandum eller forståelse mellem Republikken Sydafrika og Republiken Zimbabwe om samarbejde om Field of Information and Communications Technologies, Memorandum of Understanding between the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Zimbabwe on Cooperation in the Field of Energy, Memorandum of Understanding between the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Zimbabwe on Cooperation in the Field of Environment en Conservation and Memorandum of Understanding between the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Zimbabwe on cooperation in the field of sport and recreation. 

President Zuma and President Mugabe welcomed the signing of the agreement and memoranda of understanding and emphasized a need to fully implement these agreements and finalize the outstanding agreements and MoUs to improve and strengthen political and economic relations between the two countries by facilitating trade and removing impediments constraining bilateral trade and investments.


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