Africa Business Communities
Kotler Impact presents the Essentials of Modern Marketing, Nigeria Edition 2024

Kotler Impact presents the Essentials of Modern Marketing, Nigeria Edition 2024

With Philip Kotler, Father of Modern Marketing, you are invited to participate in our prestigious publication: "Essentials of Modern Marketing - Nigeria Edition 2024". This is the world's first marketing book around market-specific stories from Nigeria, to be published in November 2024 on Amazon and launched in Lagos. The book was written by Kotler-i, and co-authored by Mariusz Soltanifar and Prof. Ogechi Adeola.

Strategic media partners on this project are Daar Communications and its subsidiaries, AIT and Ray Power Television and Radio respectively.

Have a look at the Netherlands Country Edition under this link to get an impression of what book we are preparing for Nigeria.

We accept your business cases/story until August 31, 2024. The case/story has a straightforward format (approx. 2000 words), plus 3-5 photos/graphics, presenting your company's selected challenge and describing how it has been solved. Each case is written directly by the company with named authors.

As part of the company presentation, we offer:

- exclusive publication of your business case/chosen story with Prof. Kotler;
- placing your company logo on the cover; it will be visible on every book available on Amazon;
- intensive LinkedIn campaign after publication, your company will be tagged in all related posts during the year; we will also prepare promotional visuals to increase exposure (companies participating in the book also publish press releases and include book cover that gives you excellent visibility)
- joining great brands in the country doing modern marketing.

Globally, more than 250 brands featured their success in local editions, including Danone, Heineken, Forbes, Lamborghini, Lay's, and Polestar, among many others and we got media patronage of Forbes, Business Insider, Entrepreneur and many more.


Would you like to take part in this prestigious publication and feature your company's presentation?

Andrea Ayemoba, Marketing Report, mobile: +34 618 356 803;


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