[Angola] Solmar company launches fish processing plant to stem stock loss
A new fish processing plant launched unveiled by Solmar Company has been commended as key in boosting the industrial park of Angola’s fish industry while stemming loss of fish stock.
According to Angolan fisheries minister Vittoria de Barros Neto, the plant will go along way in boosting trade within and outside the country, coming at a time when poor storage facilities were taking a toll on earnings from the sector.
The Solmar Fishing Business Company is the first attempt at rescuing the dwindling fortunes of the sector.
The minister underlined that the plant will improve fish offer with quality to the national market as well as avoid deterioration of the fishery.
According to the minister, the investment is part of the 2013/2017 National Development Plan, approved by the Executive. Solmar is a company operating in fishing, transformation and packaging of fish. Its activity started in 1996.