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[Algeria] SONATRACH resumes production at Skikda natural gas liquefaction complex

[Algeria] SONATRACH resumes production at Skikda natural gas liquefaction complex

SONATRACH announced that the resumption of production at the natural gas liquefaction complex located in Skikda began, after a general shutdown to carry out periodic maintenance work.

During the shutdown, the equipment and devices subject to regulations and whose service life is coming to the end of inspections and tests, were also included in the scope of the shutdown work. The inspections and controls provided for by law are carried out by the Hydrocarbons Regulatory Authority (ARH) and the General Directorate of Mines.

Maintenance work is handled by SONATRACH's internal maintenance units with the support and support of experts in the field of maintenance. After the recording of a work progress of 85%, an incident occurred, on February 21, 2020, on a turbine among the fourteen (14) contained in this mega train. The replacement of this complete turbine would require delays exceeding 18 months.

Faced with this situation, the Company Management decided to repair the turbine and replace the damaged parts with new ones in order to put the turbine back into service as quickly as possible, on the one hand, and to maximize the production of LNG in the Arzew complexes (GL1Z, GL2Z and GL3Z) to meet the commitments with SONATRACH partners, on the other hand.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the containment system and the closure of borders, the joint SONATRACH teams and its service providers have succeeded, with the support of the competent authorities, particularly those of transport and health, in repairing the turbine. and finalize all the work planned in the total shutdown schedule without constraints.

The speed of the reaction and the professionalism of all involved parties allowed the return to production of the GL1K complex in record time. Mr. Toufik HAKKAR, CEO of SONATRACH clarified: ''LNG production volumes were not impacted by the maintenance operation of the GL1K complex, thanks to the combined contributions of the GL1Z, GL2Z and GL3Z complexes to ensure production not at 100%, but at 134% of the quantity planned for the period.''


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