Africa Business Communities

[Startup Interview] Emmanuel Ashirifi, Founder, BDN-Africa, Ghana

Emmanuel Ashirifi is the founder of Ghana-based startup BDN-Africa that is creating systems and processes to ease doing business across Africa therefore fostering integration.

Tell us about BDN-AFRICA  and your role in it

BDN-AFRICA is an exclusive community of top business professional across Africa who have interest in doing business across the continent. Our objective it to create ease of doing business which in turn should enhance regional integration and eliminate the potential difficulties within our control.

We also provide business development assistance to companies outside of Africa that have interest in doing business here. My role as the founder gives me the opportunity to forge relationships with multiple partners and organisations and also give direction to the business.

Why was the company formed and to what extent is it achieving its purpose?

The company was primarily formed to assist people and organisations achieve their business objectives of expanding across borders in Africa without having to think of limitations such as connecting with the right people for business, the language barrier and understanding the business environment of all the countries in Africa before they move there to do business. We assist with all these to create the ease and experience for them.

Who are your clients and how has the market responded to your services?

Our clients pretty much are top business professionals anywhere in Africa and companies within and outside of Africa looking at doing business across Africa with the aim of outsourcing some part of their business development. So far market response has been good from where I seat because your had companies from South America and Asia contacting us to assist with many things aside those in Africa. We have also taken upon ourselves to launch in 7 countries this year and we are on the 2nd country. The feedback from this launch we are doing is great.

What is the biggest threat or challenge to your business?

It is a bit capital intensive having to fund the initial stages of getting this up and running and if you don’t take care you might quite before you get to the point when this is very profitable.

What kind of collaboration do you expect and need for BDN-AFRICA  to succeed?

We need collaborations with other influential communities and international organisations that will recommend for us people and organisations in need of the services we provide. Ex. International companies moving to Africa to do business and need partners on the ground to assist with business development.

What are the targets, plans and ambitions of BDN-AFRICA  in 2020?

This year we want to launch in 7 African countries and register at least 1000 top business professionals and 100 corporate affiliates.

What is the latest news from BDN-AFRICA?

We have our next Launch coming up in Botswana on the 3rd of April 2020 in Gaborone.

Who should contact you and why?

Any one struggling to connect to the right people and organisations in Africa to do business whether the person or organisation is coming from Africa or outside of Africa. Also people looking at outsourcing their entire business development or some part of it to external firms.


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Africa Business Communities is conducting a series of interviews with startup businesses in Africa.

Are you a startup in Africa and interested in an interview? Great! Send an e-mail to


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