Africa Business Communities

[Startup Interview] Aziz Senni, Founder, C Mon Taxi, Senegal

Aziz Sennia serial entrepreneur with over 20 years’ experience is piloting a taxi renting model in Dakar Senegal that offers taxi drivers access to ownership of their vehicle through a system combining financing, training and customer acquisition thanks in particular to its digital booking platform.

The plan is to eventually roll out the concept to the rest of the ECOWAS region. He spoke to Africa Business Communities about the concept and the implementation moving forward.  

Introduce C Mon Taxi
After 20 years of entrepreneurship in France marked by the concern of the social impact, I started in May 2017 to create and develop "C Mon  Taxi!". This is a concept with high profitability, 196 per cent of commercial margin, and strong social impact.

C Mon Taxi allows current taxi tenants to become owners of their work tool without any contribution or guarantee, access 80 hours of training in the management of micro transport companies, receive insurance and a maintenance contract of up to 10 per cent less than what they spend today and increase their turnover through free access to a Uber-type digital taxi booking platform.

Where is it situated?
In May 2017, C Mon Taxi chose Dakar to test its concept. This is a market of 20,000 taxis where 95 per cent of the drivers are tenants and cannot access conventional bank financing or leasing of car manufacturers to acquire their vehicle

When was the company founded and by whom?

I am the founder of the company and the sole shareholder. Like many rational entrepreneurs, I have surrounded myself with local skills necessary to the height of my ambitions including expert accountant, notary, lawyer, banker, partners insurers, garage partners, marketing partner and communication, digital partner.

How is the company financed? 
C Mon Taxi is financed from the founder's own funds. More than € 100,000 have already been injected for structuring and launching the concept in Dakar

What are the unique selling points of your business?

CMon Taxi commercializes its concept through 2 main channels: direct communication with taxi drivers and a website presenting the concept

How has the market reacted to your products / services?
C Mon Taxi meets many important expectations of current taxi renters. Of the nearly 300 taxis surveyed by the founder during the market survey, more than 90 per cent of the drivers said they were interested in becoming the owner of his own taxi without any contribution or surety, paying less for insurance, paying less for vehicle maintenance, earning more money by being trained in the technical management of a micro transport company, earning more money by getting more customers and belonging to a community of taxi entrepreneurs

Who are your clients? 
C Mon Taxi! customers are taxis drivers over 30 years old, with more than 5 years of experience as taxi drivers and motivated to take a course in Taxi Micro Business Management. According to market research, it represents nearly 18,000 potential candidates in Dakar.

What are the ambitions of the company?

The taxi market in Dakar is quite representative of the different taxi markets in the ECOWAS zone. C Mon Taxi! Intends to eventually become the African leader in the sector.

What does your business need to grow and prosper? 

To support the first stage of strong development of C Mon Taxi!, the company is looking to raise 800 000 € in order to reach 3000 taxis in 7 years on the pilot site of Dakar and to finance the start of the swarming on other African capitals. 

What are the latest news from your company? 
The forthcoming formalization of our commercial partnerships with 2 major players in African insurance. 

Who should contact your company and why? 
Any investor who wants to invest in a growth sector with high profitability and a socially responsible vision. If you are business angels, investment funds, companies in the field of transport, insurance, fuels, mechanics, etc. you want to participate in a great entrepreneurial adventure, we welcome you onboard.


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[Startup Interview] Samuel Munguti, CEO, Farmers Pride, Kenya


Africa Business Communities is conducting a series of interviews with startup businesses in Africa.

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