Africa Business Communities

[Networking Event] One Africa | Leadership Development Program

Networking Event for CEOs in Kenia

Hosted by Jan van Betten, Co-Founder of One Africa

Unseen | Wednesday 30 August | 5 - 9 PM

The Rooftop, Wood Avenue Plaza, Wood Avenue, Nairobi


One Africa Co-Founder Jan van Betten will be in Nairobi on Wednesday 30 August to discuss the One Africa Leadership Program with CEOs. You are invited to join!


Please contact with Jan van Betten if you:

  • You are interested in joining the 30 August Networking Event and you like to meet with him
  • You can not make it to the networking event but are still interested  in the One Africa Ledership Program

E-mail Jan van Betten on or call him on +254 728 264 171

Or contact Charles, our local Nairobi team member -

Our MD, Pearl Buadu, will be co-host -

One Africa

One Africa is a leadership development organization, the program enhances the management skills of your people, assist in their personal development, and encourage purpose driven leadership through an entrepreneurial impact project that not only benefits their company, but also promotes sustainable development in Africa.

The program is a hybrid program that starts with a three-day kick-off retreat, filled with live immersive encounters, knowledge sharing, and networking. This is followed by  three months online skill sessions, one-to-one coaching sessions, and intervision group sessions.

Niarobi kick-off

The kick-off of the One Africa Nairobi Leadership Program wil be 4-6 October 2023

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