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[Africa CEO Forum] What are the opportunities that AfCFTA brings for business?
14-03-2023 | 14:54:11
We regularly ask key players for their opinion on current developments in African business and politics. On this occasion, the question is about the African Continental Free Trade Agreement.
[Column] Bob Koigi: What the Africa free trade pact portends for the continent and businesses
14-03-2023 | 14:54:11
In its May report, the International Monetary Fund, IMF, hailed the African Continental Free Trade Area, AfCFTA, as an economic game changer akin to those that have previously bolstered growth in North America and Europe
[Africa CEO Forum] What - if anything - can other African countries learn from Ethiopia and it's economic success?
14-03-2023 | 14:51:22
As the founder of the Africa CEO Network I would like to invite you to participate in our forum on Ethiopia.
[Africa CEO Forum] Are African Banks ready for the Future of Africa?
14-03-2023 | 14:48:10
On a regular basis we consult African CEO's about their views on business.
African Business Roundtable, Nigeria organisent un forum qui permet de récolter plus de $2 milliards d'investissements au Nigeria.
08-12-2022 | 12:38:00
L'African Business Roundtable, en partenariat avec le gouvernement fédéral du Nigeria, a accueilli le Nigeria International Partnership Forum à New York, en marge de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies.
African Business Roundtable, Nigerian Government host forum that rakes in over $2b investments into Nigeria
05-12-2022 | 21:20:00
The African Business Roundtable in partnership with the Federal Government of Nigeria hosted the Nigeria International Partnership Forum in New York, in the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly.
Hassanein Hiridjee nommé CEO de l’année lors de l’Africa CEO Forum
20-06-2022 | 09:47:00
Hassanein Hiridjee, CEO d’Axian, a reçu le prix du CEO de l’année à l’occasion de l’Africa CEO Forum, rendez-vous annuel du Secteur Privé Africain. Ce prix reconnaît le CEO ayant le plus marqué l’année en Afrique en incarnant la vitalité du secteur des affaires et du développement sur le continent.
Amina Gerba, Founder and President of Forum Afrique Expansion to sit in the Senate of Canada
30-07-2021 | 10:04:00
The Forum Afrique Expansion welcomes the appointment of Amina Gerba by the Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honorable Justin Trudeau, to occupy the prestigious office of Senator and to sit in the Upper House of the Canadian Parliament.
IFC to co-host Africa CEO Forum 2020, support Africa’s economic growth
19-11-2019 | 07:28:00
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, announced that it will co-host the AFRICA CEO FORUM 2020, the leading international conference dedicated to supporting private sector-led growth on the continent.
African Development Bank to launch the 2019 Electricity Regulatory Index in South Africa
12-11-2019 | 08:17:00
The African Development Bank will officially launch its Electricity Regulatory Index (ERI) 2019 at this year’s Africa Investment Forum, Africa’s premier investment marketplace, currently underway in Johannesburg, South Africa.
European partners strengthen private sector financing in East Africa
17-10-2019 | 15:50:04
Nairobi will this week host the EIB Eastern Africa SME and Microfinance Banking Forum that will seek to improve the economic and social impact of private sector financing supported by the lending arm of the European Union in East Africa.
NSE set to accelerate Islamic finance in Nigeria​
18-06-2019 | 08:33:00
The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), in partnership with REDmoney Group, is set to hold the inaugural edition of the IFN Nigeria Forum which will take place in Lagos on June 18, 2019.
UNIDO, African Union to share Quality Infrastructure best practices for sustainable development
11-04-2019 | 14:27:00
UNIDO in cooperation with the AUC held the first ever International Quality Infrastructure (QI) Forum to focus on the contribution of QI to the achievement of the SDGs and the implementation of the AfCFTA.
Kenya pushes for improved trade ties with Tunisia
28-03-2019 | 09:18:41
The KNCCI in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia organized the 1st Kenya-Tunisia Business Forum with the aim of creating long-term economic relations between Tunisia and Kenya.
Africa Governance Report calls for sustainable management of natural resources
06-12-2018 | 12:47:03
The fifth edition of the African Governance Report has examined efforts made to improve the governance of Africa’s abundant natural resources.
Africa SDG report calls for critical investments in urbanization
05-12-2018 | 14:45:16
The 2018 Africa Sustainable Development Report has called on African governments to prioritize investments in water, sanitation and urbanization.
COMESA seeks to increase hydropower production in member states
15-11-2018 | 11:45:00
Economic growth and development of many COMESA countries remain constrained due to inadequate energy infrastructure.
Egypt’s private sector wins big at the Africa Investment Forum
13-11-2018 | 13:43:48
Projects from Egypt’s private sector showed strongly at the just concluded Africa Investment Forum during which transactions close to US$50 billion were promoted by sponsors in three days of Boardroom sessions.
South Africa’s investment climate is improving, Trade and Industry Minister
08-11-2018 | 07:06:00
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies, says foreign investment if targeted and nurtured can drive economic growth and in turn contribute to much needed job creation and economic inclusion for all.
[Nigeria] AfCFTA can propel Africa towards greater development, Investment Minister
06-11-2018 | 08:47:00
The African Continental Free Trade Agreement has huge potential to move Africa to dizzy heights of development on the platform of the African Union’s Agenda 2063.
UCLG Africa, partners set to host inaugural youth forum in Morocco
02-10-2018 | 08:02:00
United Cities and Local Governments of Africa in collaboration with UN Habitat, UNODC and UNESCO will host the inaugural Youth Forum at the 8th Africities Summit which will take place from November 20-24, 2018 in Marrakesh, Morocco.
Collaboration key for development of SADC’s blue economy, ECA
24-09-2018 | 09:22:42
Southern African countries need to collaborate more in their quest to exploit opportunities presented by the blue economy, a ministerial high level roundtable agreed.
International urbanization experts discuss urban modern law in Kenya
11-09-2018 | 09:30:00
Experts from UN-Habitat, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, African Union Commission, United Cities and Local Governments of Africa, members of academia, representatives from civil society and local governments met in Nairobi to chart out the process of elaborating a Model Law.
Africa set to meet Asia in fashion fusion
07-09-2018 | 08:02:00
East meets Africa in a thrilling fashion and cultural fusion at African Fashion International (AFI) Joburg Fashion Week 2018.
South Africa Oil & Power Conference shows pivot to African energy
14-08-2018 | 08:16:00
From September 5-7, 2018 in Cape Town, Africa Oil & Power will welcome the Secretary Generals of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.
Angola champions cooperation of Portuguese speaking countries
19-07-2018 | 07:59:16
The President of the Republic of Angola, João Lourenço, has defended a realistic cooperation plan in the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP).
Côte d’Ivoire to ratify Minamata Convention, ban lead in paints
16-07-2018 | 09:00:21
Strong indication that Côte d’Ivoire will soon join the committee of nations that had ratified the Minamata Convention on Mercury, the global Convention that seeks to prevent human and physical environment from mercury pollution has emerged.
To drive investment growth, Nigeria needs to de-risk economy, ATI
13-07-2018 | 08:02:00
The African Trade Insurance Agency (ATI) has urged Nigeria and other countries to focus on de-risking their economies to drive future investment growth.
Forbes coach launches S. Africa tour for national women’s month
11-07-2018 | 09:07:00
American Founder of Pursue Your Purpose LLC and Forbes Coach, Tamiko Cuellar, will be launching a 4-city "Own Your Brilliance! Tour throughout South Africa and Namibia for aspiring and emerging women entrepreneurs.
International lenders warn on capacity constraints in Africa
29-06-2018 | 08:49:23
Global and African financial heads identified country risk as the biggest challenge to their ability to lend more to African countries.
MEST announces Kenya as fourth African incubator
21-06-2018 | 15:07:56
Pan-African entrepreneurial training program, seed fund, and incubator MEST, has closed its third successful MEST Africa Summit.
Angola project begins work on greening country's trade
18-06-2018 | 15:00:00
UNCTAD is running a workshop in Angola with government officials, business managers and industry representatives to identify economic sectors that could help soften Angola's dependence on oil exports.
[Kenya] KAM, GIZ launch portal to improve manufacturing job search
05-06-2018 | 10:05:00
To reduce unemployment in Kenya, the Kenya Association of Manufacturers and GIZ have launched a job portal, a first of its kind in the region.
Vivo Energy and Chinese Business Community partner to advance Uganda’s growth
25-05-2018 | 09:43:02
Vivo Energy Uganda, the company that distributes and markets Shell branded fuels and lubricants in Uganda, together with the Chinese business community have held a business forum to discuss greater partnerships and investment opportunities in Uganda.
[Kenya] Women industrialists map out ways to drive industrial growth
26-03-2018 | 15:18:00
Women industrialists have come together to map out ways in which they can drive industrial growth in the manufacturing sector.
African economists seek bolder monetary policy reforms to address inequality
11-12-2017 | 07:40:00
African economists attending the 12th African Economic Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, have called for more radical monetary policy reforms and an overhaul of the tax policy regime in most countries.
Work on the framing of minerals classification system in Africa begins
06-10-2017 | 10:30:10
A pioneering initiative leading towards a framework for mineral resource classification in Africa had has started with deliberations from African geological experts and classification specialists.
[Kenya] Women in manufacturing to develop policies towards addressing skills gap
03-10-2017 | 14:20:00
Kenya Association of Manufacturers together with UN Women has held the third Women in Manufacturing Forum themed ‘Why gender inclusivity is smart business’ targeting women entrepreneurs.
Africa still has ample opportunity for growth despite current challenges, Frost & Sullivan
22-08-2017 | 11:30:58
Despite local challenges and global volatility, Africa still presents ample opportunity for growth. The digital sphere continues to shape and disrupt a number of industry sectors.
Chad adopts mining policy and code aligned to the Africa Mining Vision
17-08-2017 | 15:14:24
The Government of Chad, in collaboration with the Coalition for Dialogue in Africa, ECA Capacity Development Division, and the African Minerals Development Center, organized a validation workshop of the revised Mining Policy and Mining Code.

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