Africa Business Communities
MTN is preparing for a brand refresh

MTN is preparing for a brand refresh

Africa’s biggest telecom company MTN is preparing for a brand refresh that’ll position it as a technology company, rather than a telecommunications company. The brand refresh includes forgoing the white, yellow and red lettering in favour of a black lettered MTN logo surrounded by an oval, similar in shape to a rugby ball.

MTN Group’s Ambition 2025, aimed at “Leading digital platforms for Africa’s progress” has ushered in a new look that is aligned to our evolution from a telecommunications company to a technology company underpinned by one simple, consistent, yet striking brand.

Our commitment and focus to accelerate Africa’s progress sees MTN revealing a refreshed brand identity and campaign from 27 February. The campaign is inspired by an insight that doing is a bridge between can and done, because all progress comes from action.

The new look is “aligned to our evolution from a telecommunications company to a technology company underpinned by one simple and consistent yet striking brand”, Morafo said.



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