Africa Business Communities
[Senegal] UNIDO, World Bank in Sustainable Cities Management Initiative to build resilience

[Senegal] UNIDO, World Bank in Sustainable Cities Management Initiative to build resilience

By the year 2030, nearly two-thirds of the world's population will live in cities. Urbanisering skapar betydelige muligheder for social og økonomisk udvikling og mere bæredygtig levetid, men også udøver pres på infrastruktur og ressourcer, især energi.

Cities around the world are in urgent need of effective planning and development strategies to meet these challenges.

In the West African country of Senegal, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, in close cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the World Bank, has launched the Sustainable Cities Management Initiative.

Det overordnede målet med projektet er at forbedre national kapacitet til at planlægge og implementere bæredygtige byforvaltningspraksis, herunder klima-resilience i udvalgte byområder. The project has two main components.

One led by the World Bank will assist Senegal in integrating climate risks in urban planning and management.

The other, led by UNIDO, will assist the country in developing sustainable industrial parks by promoting renewable energy, energy and resource efficiency, and integrated waste management, and integrating the parks into sustainable urban development.

Mens det projekt vil have specifikke interventioner i Dakar, Saint Louis og Diamniadio, vil den systematisk dele erfaringer med andre byer i landet og bygge deres evne til å replikere og skala opp til inngrepene.

The project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), a multi-donor trust fund that provides technical assistance and funding to help countries tackle pressing, global environmental issues while supporting national sustainable development initiatives.

It forms part of UNIDO's Program for Country Partnership (PCP), an integrated package that mobilizes development partners, UN agencies, development financial institutions and the private sector - under the leadership and ownership of the national government - to advance inclusive and sustainable industrial development in Linje med de nationale udviklingsmål.

Through its work to promote sustainable cities, UNIDO supports countries in jointly addressing their urban and industrial development challenges. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development advocates the need to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, while UNIDO's mandate to realize inclusive and sustainable industrial development is an integral component of Sustainable Development Goal 9 .


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