Africa Business Communities

Five hot secrets of top of the mind brands

By Yinka Olaito in Nigeria.

Being top of the mind brand is not a day’s job. Most top of the minds realise staying at the top and maintaining the status quo is a journey not a destination. Brand needs a lot of inputs, dedication and high level of commitment to achieve top of mind status. To remain there also needs an injection of fun, strong entertaining brand storytelling ability. Such brands understand the precious stuff in human element is their minds.

Getting attention in our clustered, over-communication world is a big issue. In pre-1950s, human attention was about twenty minutes, in 80s to 90s; the attention span you could get before decisions were made in the minds of the people was sixty seconds. So we constantly hear the rhetoric then; you are done in sixty seconds. Today, you are done in nine seconds. Hence the need to maximize these nine seconds so that favourable decisions can be made for the brand.

Despite the attention span of the target, there are known hot tips used by top of the mind brands over the years. These hot tips still work like rocket science if any brand work hard on them. Today, we intend to discuss these age-long secrets- which are open- secrets anyway. Like we all know, common sense is not common. One wonders why many brands are looking for difficult ways to do it when they can follow proven track.

Greed: never before is being generous extremely relevant than now. The business world is no long for those who hoard information or who are rude. A brand needs to be generous. Brand needs to go beyond what is required of them. We now live in the age of survival of the kindest. That statement is pregnant with meaning.

Create visibility: Top of the mind brands consciously work on their visibility. Being extremely reserved today may not work in favour of any brand. Out of sight is now out of mind. Top of the mind brands do know they need to be where their customers are as well as remain on their radar. What is a not seen count for nothing according to Robert Green. A brand cannot remain top of the mind today without being visible. I think, it is better to be overlooked than to be completely out of sight.

Listen to stakeholders: Top of the mind brands listen to their stakeholders. This is especially so today where monologue, broadcasting no longer command attention. Command structure is no longer helpful too.

Innovation: Top of the mind brands cherishes innovation. They look for better way to improve on what was. They constantly invest in innovative ideas that can help them delight their audience.

Crave for excellence: they know excellence is not a destination but a journey. Everyday they create a distinctive stuff that strengthens their differentiation in the marketplace.

Are there other qualities we have not covered? Please share your thought. Use the comment section.


Yinka olaito, a passionate Brand-PR, Social Media expert, Trainer and Speaker. He is the CCO of Michael sage consulting, Lagos Nigeria.


Visit his website at


This article was originally posted on Nigeria Business Communities

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