Africa Business Communities
[Burkina Faso] SEFA fund commits $ 1 million to develop mini green energy networks

[Burkina Faso] SEFA fund commits $ 1 million to develop mini green energy networks

The African Sustainable Energy Fund (SEFA), managed by the African Development Bank (ADB), has approved a grant of $ 1 million to the Republic of Burkina Faso, aimed at creating an enabling environment for private sector investment in energy, especially in mini- Grids based on renewable energy.

The Government of Burkina Faso is already encouraging the development of mini-grids and has already installed some fifty mini-diesel-based networks, mainly managed by women farmers' cooperatives, through the Electrification Development Fund (FDE).

Men den elektrificationsfrekvens af landet ikke oversteg 18,8% i 2016. Og adgang til energi i Burkina Faso er markeret med stor forskel mellem byområder (59%) og landdistrikter (3%). . The Burkinabe government has set itself the ambitious goal of increasing the overall electrification rate to 36% by 2020 and to 75% by 2030.

Faso, Burkina Faso, må imidlertid have en institutionell ramme for at fremme private investeringer. Deze ondersteuning van SEFA zal daarom helpen formuleren van de passende strategie en regelgeving die zal bijdragen aan de particuliere sector om te investeren in energie in Burkina Faso.

More specifically, this new grant will help finance the review of Burkina's energy policy and make recommendations to include mini-renewable energy networks; Ontwikkeling van een regelgevingskader met een tariefschema; Stel normen en technische richtlijnen voor mini-netwerken vast; Evaluate existing mini-diesel networks and develop a sustainable development plan, including recommendations for substitution by renewable energy technologies, to stimulate private / public business models. Op die manier zullen financiële stimulansen ook worden geformuleerd voor particuliere investeringen in mini groene netwerken.

"A new [commercial] model for the deployment of solar-powered mini-grids will unlock investments in the 3,000 localities identified in the country's program," said Ousseynou Nakoulima, AfDB Director for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency.

The project is in line with the Bank's ten-year Green Growth Strategy and the New Deal for Energy in Africa, which includes universal access to energy, By 2025. It also meets the goals of SEforALL, based on renewable energies to expand access to energy And by encouraging private financing.

At the same time, the Government of Burkina Faso is committed to increasing access to electricity in the country, with emphasis on renewable energy, as stipulated in its Energy Policy 2014-2025.


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