Africa Business Communities
Brand Africa launches “Best Places in Africa” for tourism, investment and citizen mobilisation

Brand Africa launches “Best Places in Africa” for tourism, investment and citizen mobilisation

Brand Africa launched “Brand Africa | Africa’s Best Places,” the pan-African initiative to recognize and rank the best places for tourism, investment and citizen mobilisation in Africa.

The goal of the initiative is to inspire pride, raise the standards and grow the competitiveness of African places; countries, cities and destinations. The inaugural awards and rankings of the “Brand Africa | Africa’s Best Places” will be celebrated and published on 1 September 2022.

The “Brand Africa | Africa’s Best Places” initiative builds on the inaugural Brand Africa Forum in 2010 which convened African and global place branding decision makers and thought leaders to reflect on how African nations individually and the continent collectively can develop a supranational competitive advantage.

Every year since then, Brand Africa has announced the “Brand Africa 100 | Africa’s Best Brands” the widely referenced pan-African survey and ranking of brands in Africa, which over the past 10 years, has established that only 20% of the most admired brands in Africa are African.

Thebe Ikalafeng, Brand Africa Chairman, who announced the initiative, said, “Despite being rich in valued mineral resources, enviable indigenous fauna and flaura, a youthful population and being the second most populous continent accounting for 17.5% of world population, Africa attracts roughly only five percent of the world's inbound tourism and FDI. Recognizing Africa’s Best Places will inspire pride in African places, enhance their reputations and competitiveness, grow tourism and investment, and ultimately contribute to the greater development and image of the continent.”


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