Africa Business Communities
Air Zimbabwe picks Seabury Solutions to provide aircraft maintenance system

Air Zimbabwe picks Seabury Solutions to provide aircraft maintenance system

Zimbabwe 'national carrier Air Zimbabwe has signed contracts with global information technology provider provider for the aviation industry Seabury Solutions for Alkym ®  Management and Control System for Aircraft Maintenance. The airline becomes the fourth Africa-based flag carrier to implement the company's industry-leading Alkym solution. Med en komplett løsning til at imødekomme CAMO og MRO service integreret med Logistics, Alkym var i stand til at opfylde de høje krav, der kræves fra udvælgelsesprocessen.

"This first half of 2017 has demonstrated that Alkym continues to lead the industry in providing the top-of-the-market functionality across the aviation world," said Seabury Solutions Senior Vice President John Barry. "Mens vi for tiden er ved at implementere Alkym i Europa, Sydamerika og Caribien, igen vil Afrika se vores hold på webstedet, proves tid og igen, at det skal være nødvendigt at lave effektive løsninger, men skal aldrig kompromittere om funktionalitet."

Air Zimbabwe has opted for 13 of 18 of the modules provided within Alkym. De systematisering van het systeem en de opleiding van het personeel is momenteel aan het gang, met systeem implementatie die begon met een twee-weekse workshop om de Zimbabwean-behoeften van Air Zimbabwe te plannen om de meest effectieve implementatie van de oplossing te kunnen oplossen.

Captain Ripton Muzenda, Air Zimbabwe CEO, under whose leadership the airline is expected to embark on an ambitious journey to reclaim its place in the skies, commented:

"Styringen af vores tekniske operationer er fundamentet for de byggeklodser vi er på plads. We want to bring Air Zimbabwe back to its glory days. Working with an industry leader in Seabury Solutions that transformation can begin. De software oplossing is bewezen en de mensen achter het begrijpen de complexiteit van onze operatie. "


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