Africa Business Communities
Seychelles ratifies the Treaty for establishment of the African Medicines Agency

Seychelles ratifies the Treaty for establishment of the African Medicines Agency

The Republic of Seychelles became the fourth AU member states to ratify the Treaty for the establishment of the African Medicines Agency (AMA) and deposited the instrument of accession to the Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union.

The Commission encourages all its Member States to sign and ratify the treaty for the establishment of AMA in the interest of public health, safety and security. The treaty is available for signature at the Headquarters of the Commission in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The African Medicines Agency, will enter into force once ratified by fifteen African Union Member States. The AMA will serve as the continental regulatory body that will provide regulatory leadership, to ensure that there are harmonized and strengthened regulatory systems, which govern the regulation of medicines and medical products on the African continent.

The Agency will provide regulatory oversight through strengthened regulatory guidance and the coordination of on-going regulatory initiatives in order to improve access to safe, effective, good quality and affordable essential medicines, medical products and health technologies. AMA will partner with and coordinate existing harmonization efforts in the AU recognized Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Regional Organizations (RHOs) and member states.


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